Monday, May 25, 2020
The Merced River Is The Southernmost Watercourse Of The...
METHODS Study sites The Merced River is the southernmost watercourse of the California Central Valley presently inhabited by Chinook salmon whose abundance has decreased by 75% since 1950 (Yoshiyama et al., 2000). From its headwaters located in Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, the Merced River flows west to join the San Joaquà n River (river km 190) and drains a watershed approximately 3,297 km2 in size. Meanwhile, the elevation declines from 3,048 m to about 18.3 m. Only the first 82 river km are reachable by anadromous fish with access terminating at Crocker-Huffman Dam. We estimated the percent contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources for juvenile Chinook salmon across four longitudinally-positioned sites: Merced River†¦show more content†¦Restoration planning identified the rehabilitation of the floodplain functions that foster recruitment of riparian vegetation and the quality of riparian habitat. Fall-run Chinook salmon is an important management species in the Merced Ri ver, and numerous state and federal resource programs include increasing its abundance in their goals. The vision has been to enhance channel, floodplain and riparian ecosystem processes and critical habitats for juvenile and adult salmonids, in coordination with local communities and stakeholders, to promote the recovery of healthy and diverse Chinook salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations in the Merced River, while helping to meet the abundance goals of the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program. Robinson’s restoration reach is approximately 2.4 km long and is located 16 km downstream of Crocker-Huffman Dam. The project included a very complex suite of actions to restore Robinson’s reach which was degraded as a result of mining activities and recent flood impacts. Channel reconfiguration and the creation of a large floodplain with native vegetation increased the river channel’s ability to transport and deposit sediments under the river’s current flow regime; hence improving channel dynamics and salmon passage concerns. These actions within the channel produced improvements for salmon spawning and rearing through the creation of
Friday, May 15, 2020
Prevention and Control of Common Conifer Tree Diseases
Like any kind of tree, the conifer is susceptible to a number of diseases that can damage or destroy it. Sometimes, these diseases strike trees in the forest; other times, only urban or suburban trees are stricken. Dead and dying trees are unsightly but theyre also a potential safety hazard. In populated areas, rot can cause limbs to drop or entire trees to collapse, especially during storms. In forested areas, dead trees can dry out, creating fuel for potential forest fires. By learning how to recognize different conifer diseases, you can improve the health of trees on your property and preserve the integrity of the local ecosystem. Types of Conifer Disease Softwood or coniferous trees can be harmed or killed by disease-causing organisms called pathogens. The most common tree diseases are caused by fungi, though some diseases are caused by bacteria or viruses. Fungi lack chlorophyll and derive nourishment by feeding on (parasitizing) trees. Many fungi are microscopic but some are visible in the form of mushrooms or conks. Other factors affecting tree disease include climate and where the tree or trees are planted. Not all parts of a tree may be affected or exhibit symptoms. Disease may strike the needles, stem, trunk, roots, or some combination thereof. In some instances, trees can be saved by applying pesticides, trimming the diseased portions, or removing neighboring trees to provide more room. In other cases, the only solution is to remove the tree entirely. Needle Cast Needle cast is a group of tree diseases that cause conifers to shed needles. The symptoms of needle cast tree disease first appear on needles as light green to yellow spots, which eventually turn red or brown. Tiny black fruiting bodies form on the surface of the needles before or after the infected needles are shed. If left untreated, fungal growth can kill the entire needle. Treatment options include applying fungicides, removing diseased needles at first sign of infection, and trimming neighboring greenery to prevent overcrowding. Needle Blight This group of needle blight tree diseases, including Diplodia, Dothistroma and brown spot, attack conifers at the needles and on twig tips. Infected needles often fall from the tree, creating a denuded look. Blight can result in dramatic browning of the foliage, beginning on the lower branches. Repeated annual cycles of infection can result in dead limbs and eventual loss of any meaningful ornamental value. The most effective treatment option is copper fungicide spray, but you may have to spray repeatedly in order to break the life cycle of the fungi that causes blight. Canker, Rust, and Blister The term canker is used to describe a dead or blistered area in the bark, branch, trunk of an infected tree. Dozens of species of fungi cause canker diseases. Cankers often appear as waxy discharge on the bark. Blisters or galls appear on branches and look like cysts or tumors on the surface of the bark and may also occasionally produce a waxy or yellowish discharge. Often, lower branches will be the first to show symptoms. Treatment options include pruning affected areas and applying a fungicide. Wilts and Root Diseases These are wood-decay diseases. They may get in through wounds in the lower part of the tree or penetrate roots directly. They involve the roots and in some cases the butt also. These fungi travel from tree to tree either through the air or soil. Symptoms include die-off of needles on entire branches or limbs, peeling bark, and dropped branches. As rot progresses, the underlying root structure decays, making the tree unstable. Treatment options are few; in many cases, the entire tree must be removed. If you plan to treat a diseased tree yourself, remember to follow all product directions if using fungicide. Make sure you are properly equipped and wearing goggles, gloves, and other safety gear if you plan to remove part or all of a tree. When in doubt, call a professional tree service. Sources Murray, Madeline. Diseases of Conifers. Utah State University Extension. 3 February 2009.Pataky, Nancy. Common Conifer Diseases of Forests. The University of Illinois Extension. 2009.Wollaeger, Heidi. Preventing, Diagnosing, and Managing Diseases in Conifers. Michigan State University Extension. 5 December 2013.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Job Analysis Plan - 1703 Words
Career Development Plan Part Iâ€â€Job Analysis and Selection Tina de Leeuw-Runk HRM/531 December 20, 2010 Danielle Lombard Sims Career Development Plan Part Iâ€â€Job Analysis and Selection Introduction InterClean has just merged with EnviroTech and has taken on a new strategic direction. The company will provide full-service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry and no longer sell only cleaning products. As a midlevel sales manager, I will need to select my sales team by developing a plan that will include the analysis methods used to create a job analysis, and a workforce planning system on sales development for the team. I will exploit internal†¦show more content†¦Three salespeople will report to the sales manager. Action Plan for Selection To have a successful workplace planning system, the action plan will outline the recruitment, selection, training, placement, promotion, development, and compensation of employees (Cascio, 2006). Ten employees are reviewed to join the new merged sales team. The salespeople from InterClean are experienced in selling products whereas the sales people from EnviroTech are experienced in providing full-service cleaning solutions. I will formulate a talent inventory for each employee and determine who already has the skills, abilities, and experience, and who will need additional training and development for the sales team. I am responsible for developing the compensation and benefits plan to reward their successes. I will determine the employees who may qualify for promotions or may want a transfer to another position. Identification of Sales Team Goals InterClean’s sales team must have established goals to accomplish the desired corporate strategies. The goals below will help InterClean grow and achieve the sales quotas and customer satisfaction: 1. Deliver InterClean’s financial goals and revenueShow MoreRelatedJob Analysis and Selection Plan1587 Words  | 7 PagesJob Analysis and Selection Plan According to the text Job Analysis is â€Å"To make intelligent decisions about the people-related needs of a business, two types of information are essential: (1) a description of the work to be done, the skills needed, and the training and experience required for various jobs, and (2) a description of the future direction of a business. (Cascio, 2006, p.157) These two very essential forms of information are called job analysis and workforce planning which help toRead MoreJob Analysis Paper1427 Words  | 6 PagesJob Analysis Paper PSY 435 Job Analysis Paper The reason for job analysis is to study and evaluate the things that a job is supposed to involve. This is describing exactly what skills are needed to perform the job, and what the exact qualifications are to fill the position. 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Abra ms, Ph.D. Marianne Bays, Ph.D. International Personnel Management Association Assessment Council 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS Personnel Assessment Specialist Job Analysis: Interpretation and Use Report Abstract 2 Introduction and Background Task Analysis Task Inventory DevelopmentRead MoreHuman Resource Management, 12e (Dessler) Chapter 4 Job Analysis12516 Words  | 51 PagesChapter 4 Job Analysis 1) Which of the following terms refers to the procedure used to determine the duties associated with job positions and the characteristics of the people to hire for those positions? A) job description B) job specification C) job analysis D) job context E) job standard Answer: C Explanation: Job analysis is the process of determining the duties of a specific job and the characteristics of the people who would be most appropriate for the job. A job analysis produces theRead MoreHr Practitioner Guide Essays17082 Words  | 69 PagesExecutive Summary 5 1. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Black Family free essay sample
Visual media†¦ â€Å"The Coconuts†series on Afrotainment†¦ (South Africa)†¦Giving Blacks a false sense of who they’re meant to be. H. Games†¦video†¦board games†¦Quiet blacks with games, video, board games and try to impose responsibilities and the idea of working hard after given them all the freedom. I. Memory replacement†¦ when whites lift Blacks’ memories and replace them with a white identity. II. A. Black African†¦ A term that was/is seen as offensive, and characterized by grim or grotesque satire B. Dictionary definitions†¦ something bad, dirty, soiled, sinister, evil, etc†¦ C. Evidence of negative identity†¦ if you don’t speak of your race you will be fully accepted in the white world. D. Definition of â€Å"beauty††¦ It’s all dependent on what the media/culture portrays as beauty. E. Silence towards Black identity†¦renders rewards†¦ rewarding by white community because you’re being submissive and the silence is shown as a symbol of equality. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Family or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page F. Current â€Å"New Face of Africa†series on Afrotainment†¦ Halle Berry, Tyra Banks Mr. Valerie, L. C Bolanga, Tofjne G. Self-mutilation†¦bleaching†¦ tattoos Blacks are the highest consumers who use these products in order to mold themselves into what the media portrays as beautiful. H. Kenneth Clark’s â€Å"doll test††¦ Black children were shown black and white dolls and asked a series of question pertaining to images. They picked the white dolls to describe pretty, smart, and the one they liked most. I. â€Å"Africans in Denial Syndrome†¦class discussion by Dr. King†¦ Africans denying their origins. J. African Symbols†¦ Kojo- Heavenly and all knowing. K. Corruption in and outside of Africa†¦ Foreign countries passing laws banning cultural habits in societies. L. African adornment†¦Kenyan Parliament†¦ No longer allowed to wear their attire. M. Devaluing â€Å"Culture††¦Not recognizing African culture because most blacks don’t even identify themselves as Africans. N. Assimilation versus Absorption†¦Assimilation involves the integration of people’s identity into a different culture whereas absorption refers to taking in the culture and doing as those in the different culture do while retaining your own identity/culture. O. Pan-Africanism†¦ is the highest form of resistance to slavery. P. The â€Å"best†of what it means to be an African†¦is being the descendants of kings and queen. III.
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