Friday, December 27, 2019
Buddhism s Philosophy And Religion - 1910 Words
Buddhism stands as a philosophy and a religion founding itself on the theory of a possible eternal soul. Until awakening is achieved, this eternal soul is locked in the vicious cycle of rebirth (Samsara). According to the Four Noble Truths preached by the Buddha, life is a perpetual suffering caused by desire and attachment, and freedom from suffering is only possible by practicing the Eightfold Path. The World is suffering in a succession of temptations and negative experiences from birth to death. Therefore Buddhism advises on searching to go beyond suffering, and only aspire to rest, nothingness, and liberation, into a final state called Nirvana. Happiness or Nirvana can eventually be achieved in a hereafter, another life, if man abandons any desire or perspective of action within his present life, in order to go past suffering. Buddhism’s teachings are paradoxical in many ways, and even the very definition of Nirvana is not clear. Nirvana is not a place like heaven for Christianity, but rather an eternal state of being. It is the state in which the law of Karma and the rebirth cycle come to an end. Achieving enlightenment also implies to be able to see things as they are. Since Buddhism emphasizes the importance of the soul more than the body, I wonder if there is gender discrimination within Buddhism, and to a larger extent I find it interesting to question how the notion of gender impacts the application of the Buddhist philosophy? Therefore, I will, throughout thisShow MoreRelatedWorld Religion s Project Of Buddhism1003 Words  | 5 PagesWorld Religion’s Project Almost 6 percent of the world s population or 350 million people follow Buddhism. Although among them are varying controversies over whether or not Buddhism is a religion or a followed pathway. Buddhism, founded in the late 6th -century B.C.E , and practices the ideas of varying traditions, spiritual practices, and all beliefs focused on the ideas of Gautama or the Buddha. Gautama valued the beliefs and teachings of The Universal Truths and Four Noble Truths and successfullyRead MoreSimilarities Between Confucianism And Confucianism893 Words  | 4 Pages For centuries, Eastern religions and philosophies of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism Daoism have been practiced by millions. Three similarities distinguishable by all four practices is the focus and teachings of virtuous humanistic practices, compassion and respect for the world around us. Although, similar in intentions each system carries unique attributes. 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In the United States, about one million people serve one form of Buddhism. From Indian, China, Japan, Russia to the United States have practitioners of Buddhism. Siddhartha Gotama known as Buddha was the creator of Buddhism some 2,500 year ago in India. Buddha taught his followers a philosophy teaching a way of life not just a religion. Buddha also taught followers: haveRead MoreBuddhism, Religion, And Religion1155 Words  | 5 PagesMany wars have been fought based on religion. Countless Disputes, debates, and lives. But, there is one religion that doesn t concern wars, or even violence. Buddhism. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay on The Internet and Its Services - 4899 Words
The Internet and Its Services Working with Internet does not mean just browsing www and sending and receiving e-mails. The Basic Structure of the Internet was developed through last 30 years of existence of the Internet. The Internet is a heterogeneous worldwide network consisting of a large number of host computers and local area networks. The Internet uses the TCP/IP suite of protocols. This allows the integration of a large number of different computers into one single network with highly efficient communication between them. This way, the user can access information on all kinds of host computers from a desktop PC, Macintosh, or whatever he/she has available. TCP/IP, the communication standard underlying the Internet, originates†¦show more content†¦In the second group, the user turns to the Internet-service in search for some particular information. Communication services can roughly be compared to a telephone call, information services to a dictionary .The most important communication services on t he Internet are electronic mail, Netnews and some derived services. Major information services are terminal emulation and file transfer, Gopher, WAIS, and World Wide Web. Electronic mail is the most popular and widely used network service. It can be viewed as the electronic equivalent to a regular mail letter. When one user wants to send a message to another Internet user, he types the message into a special computer program, adds the e-mail address of the recipient, and sends the message off through the network. Typically, the message reaches its destination almost immediately, even when it is on another continent. Practically all gateways between the Internet and other computer networks can handle e-mail messages. Therefore, many more people can be reached by e-mail than are connected to the Internet via TCP/IP. The major advantage of e-mail over regular mail is that an e- mail message comes in electronic form. Therefore, it can easily be handled and interpreted by a computer program. This feature is use by electronic discussion lists. They operate a database of subscribers and each incoming e-mail message is automatically distributed to eachShow Mo reRelatedInternet Service And The Internet3862 Words  | 16 PagesISP’s also known as Internet Service Providers are companies that provide access to the internet for a cost, this is usually charged monthly and will normally give you unlimited access to the internet. The ISP’s will normally get their internet or â€Å"product†from a higher company that will only sell to ISP’s. They will charge the ISP’s for the internet and they in turn will charge a considerably higher fee to their customers so they can access the internet. Web hosting services are organisations thatRead MoreInternet Services Providers : An Internet Service Provider1015 Words  | 5 PagesInternet Service Providers: †¢ An internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides you with an internet connection. Companies connect you to the internet in two different ways, by using a phone line, also known as dial up, or a broadband connection, also known as cable or DSL. Some examples of internet service providers are Sky Broadband, Virgin Media, BT Broadband and Talk Talk. The majority of internet service providers require a monthly fee in which a person pays to be able to accessRead MoreThe Internet And Cloud Services878 Words  | 4 PagesThe Internet and Cloud Services The internet lets you browse the web and helps you find information about many things. Also on the internet you can find many online courses for anything you would like to learn or do. Without the internet most people couldn t find as much information as easy. Uses of internet and Cloud Services With the internet you can exchange information between two or more computers. The most up-to-date thing to do this is called the cloud, the cloud is where you can storeRead MoreInternet and Itss Services.5106 Words  | 21 PagesInternet and its services. Richard Zuber DL Efficient and Effective Self-Expression BC302 Bill Bagatelas Research Paper 11/24/2001 Working with Internet does not mean just browsing www and sending and receiving e-mails. The Basic Structure of the Internet was developed through last 30 years of existence of the Internet. The Internet is a heterogeneous worldwide network consisting of a large number of host computers and local area networks. The Internet uses the TCP/IP suite of protocols. ThisRead More Internet Service Providers Essay1707 Words  | 7 PagesInternet Service Providers In todays ever increasingly technological world, the Internet plays a big role. Its hard to find someone that does not know what a web browser or web site is. People of all ages have access to a plethora of information, just by hooking their computer up to the phone line. However, like so many other technical services today, the Internet is not always free. In order for one to log on, they must have an Internet Service Provider (ISP). An ISP is simply an organizationRead MoreInternet Service Providers ( Isp )1041 Words  | 5 PagesWeb Architecture Service Providers (ISP) A organisation who allow its subscribers access to the internet. ISP stands for Internet Service Provider and refers to companies who provide Internet services, including personal and business access to the Internet. For a monthly fee, the service provider commonly provides a software package, username, password and access phone number. Examples of Service providers are Sky, BT and Virgin. Web Hosting Services Web hosting is the business of housing, servingRead MoreThe Use Of Computing Services On The Internet1218 Words  | 5 PagesREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The services and solutions that are stored and saved and which can be brought into substantial period over internet are cloud services. It is a convey model of computing services over the internet. For example if we take a web-based mail, previously we used to send an email and receive it through a program running on the PC. And when the Hot-mail came into existence an email is carried out into the cloud. So these emails which are stored and processed through a serverRead MoreInternet Service Providers Essay724 Words  | 3 Pageswant to on the Internet, but can we really? In this day and age, people log on and surf the web without a second thought, and often take the freedoms of the Internet for granted. One of the most valuable things about the Internet is that its open and equal. Anyone can access or create new websites, and as of now, each website is treated the same. Unfortunately, this freedom is being threatened and the Internet as we know it could change for good. Net Neutrality is the idea that Internet providers shouldRead MoreIsp ( Internet Service Provider )1628 Words  | 7 PagesISP ISP (Internet Service Provider) is an business such as Sky, BT or Talk talk that provides and installs a way to access the internet and this is directly connected with the clients that subscribe to these business by using copper wiring, wireless or by fiber-optic wire installation. Different businesses of the Internet Service Providers may be an Non- profit organization such as county councils or profit organizations like Virgin media. Web Hosting Services This allows people or organizationsRead MoreInternet Service Providers ( Isps )1823 Words  | 8 PagesInternet Service Providers Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is a term that refers to one of the many companies that provide your basic Internet services, including personal or business access to the Internet. For a monthly fee, the service provider usually provides a software package, username, password and access phone number. They will usually give you a basic modem, so you can then log on to the Internet and then browse the World Wide Web. Web hosting services Web hosting services is a type
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Creative Writing Factory Work in 1911 Essay Example For Students
Creative Writing : Factory Work in 1911 Essay Yesterday in the factory. The girls, in their dirty and untidy clothes, their hair disorderly as though they had just got up, the expressions on their faces fixed by the unbroken noise of the transmission belts and by the individual machines, automatic ones, of course, but unpredictably breaking down. These girls arent people, you dont greet them, you dont apologise when you bump into them. If you call them over to do something, they do it but return to their machine at once, with a nod of the head you show them what to do, they stand there in petticoats, they are at the mercy of the slightest power and havent enough calm understanding to recognise this power and satisfy it by a glance, a bow. But when six oclock comes and we call it out to each other, when we untie the handkerchiefs from around our throats and our hair, dust ourselves with a brush that we pass around and is constantly called for by the impatient, when we pull our skirts on over our heads and clean our hands as well as we can-then at last we are women again. Despite bad teeth most girls smile, shake their stiff bodies, you can no longer bump into them, stare at them, or overlook them, we are real people. Like I say we are real people who work extremely hard for our destitute pay, we average 22/6 a week, thats insufficient to live on. Seeing as our holidays have just come to an end, most of the factory workers do not have a vast amount of money to spend on food or even to live. Primarily we need a pay rise! September, Wednesday 23rd 1910 My life might as well come to an end. I have no job, no money, and no prospects. Its not my fault I dont have a job though, I stuck up for my rights along with all of the other girls and I have been sacked! Not that I liked the factory anyway, in truth I despised it. Actually in a manner of speaking Im glad that Ive had to leave, because I hated Mr Birling I hated him! For 22/6 a week that absurd man put us girls through pandemonium. How much is it to acquire an extra 2/6 a week! He is (presumably) a high earning business man Im sure, so 2/6 would certainly not have put the man out of business would it? Anyhow I can easily find another job. I will make a fresh start as from tomorrow, I will go and find a splendid job. Then I can have a nice home and eat luxurious food instead of loathsome slop, which is what I can merely pay for. January, Friday 3rd 1911 (A New Year hopefully a new start) Hold fast to the diary from today on! Write regularly! Dont surrender! Even if no salvation should come, I want to be worthy of it at every moment ! A New Year, a new job and a new life! Im so thrilled about my new life. Im at Milwards now, which in my eyes has always been a very classy high street shop for wealthy people! Im so joyous. When I look back in my diary and read some of the days when I was at the factory I was having such a grave time. I have also started dancing class with one of my colleagues Ethel. I go every Wednesday from 8:30 till 9:15, which is plenty of time for me! I can also now afford suitable supper for myself. I feel as though I am living in a dream world, I will always write down my dreams now in high hopes that they will always come true! Today at work I had to arrange some magnificent gowns and take them to the shop floor. It made me think that possibly one day I could be wearing a magnificent dress, maybe with a man on my arm. .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 , .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .postImageUrl , .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 , .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67:hover , .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67:visited , .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67:active { border:0!important; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67:active , .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67 .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0df67834ffb86be707248ef82314bf67:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Analyse Shakespeare's presentation of Angelo in Acts 1 ; 2 of Measure for Measure EssayWe would walk down the street; people would be turning heads looking at my magnificent dress and me. Oh its all a fantasy! February Monday 9th 1911 At least I know how to handle it now. It only took just over two months for me to ruin my life again. I thought I was doing really well, I was getting along with all the workers and I helped at every opportunity. What did I do wrong? Where do I go from here now? I have little money saved, simply because I was taking each day as it came and spent my money like water, because I loved the fact that my life was improving. Thats no reason not to save your money though, I suppose its back to scum as food and the floor as my bed! You know I really thought that I was going somewhere, I felt that my life could not have got better and I deserved everything I got. Somebody somewhere obviously had a slightly different opinion on me though. I would like to know why I got sacked, maybe it was because I split milk on the floor in the stock room and it went slightly smelly after a week! But still thats really no reason to sack someone?!
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Toy store Essay Example
The Toy store Paper Our thoughts, actions, reactions and beliefs are all shaped based on our surroundings, experience and overall lively hood. The way we were brought up has a huge influence on who we have become and who we will be in the future. Your gender, birth order and social class are all main aspects of what makes you, you. In addition, different religions, culture, etc. that our parents share with us help us create our personality and we continue to pass down their values. In my family I have a household of two very different cultures. On my fathers side Ive inherited the Lebanese culture. And, on the other side, my mother comes from a huge mix of Polish, Dutch, German and Irish nationalities. My mother was born here, unlike my father who was born in Lebanon and came to this country when he was only 21. My father, Pierre, followed one of his brothers here for a chance to have a better life and to get away from the Civil war and violence in his home country. i He came to this country with very little funds and hoped to make it in this society, just as the original immigrants did. At that time my father knew little to no English at all and has learned it all through conversing with others in America. We will write a custom essay sample on The Toy store specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Toy store specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Toy store specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He was living in an apartment in New Brunswick when he met my mother. They began dating and fairly soon after they were married to keep my father from having to go back to Lebanon. Months after their legal marriage, they were married in front of a church and their families. But still until this day my mothers parents do not even know their true anniversary. A year and a half later, I was born. Even though in the Lebanese culture the daughters usually take their fathers name as their middle name, my mother would not allow it because she thought it did not sound right and did not make sense in the American culture. Instead I took my fathers mothers name, Josephine, as my middle name. In the beginning, I was Daddys Little Girl and shared a close bond with my father. I did not notice until years after my brother was born, how differently my father and his family would treat us. Not only was I the first born, but I was also the only daughter my father would have. There were certain pressures put on my shoulders to be domestic. On many occasions I would have to clean after everyone, help in the kitchen and fold laundry; I would even get blamed for things that were far from my control and for things my brothers would do. My brother on the other hand, had it a little bit easier. He was the first-born son; and in the Lebanese culture they follow the same stereotype of machismo for males and expect them to be the provider, aggressive and have more authority over women. ii Thomas, my brother, was seen as the Golden Child for many years, and still until this day. Lebanese males also shared most of the male role stereotypes that Doug Cooper Thompson described. They had to Act Tough, Earn Big Bucks or at least work on getting to that successful point, Get the Right Kind of Job as a doctor, lawyer, etc., Compete and Win in anything and everything, including sporting games. iii My father grew up in a time where women did almost anything the men would ask of them. They would cook, clean and wait on them hand and foot. Women were taught to entertain company, and care after the children; also similar to the marianismo term used to describe gender roles of the female in Hispanic cultures. ii Therefore, my father put forth those expectations on me in addition to the expectations of obtaining a proper education to later begin a successful career. Although there were obvious gender role differences between us we still shared a close bond. We often shared toys whether they were action figures, blocks, Legos, etc. There were often times where we were at the fast food drive-up windows and my mother was asked the same question Ellen J. Reifler expressed, Is this for a boy or a girl? iv However, we would take the boy toy and the girl toy and combine them together in whatever game we were playing. Or we would take turns playing with his blocks and then move on to playing house with my dolls, similar to Ellens son whom she describes at the end of Time Warp in the Toy Store. You might say that we were different because we played with both boy and girl toys but I believe that it is dependent on whether or not you have a close sibling or cousin of the opposite sex that you play with as a child. Throughout my childhood I was raised more to the Lebanese culture. The Lebanese culture is more dominant and dramatically different than the more Americanized culture my mother carried. My grandmother on my fathers side, whom I can Teta, took care of me very often. In fact, at one point in time in my childhood I only spoke Arabic. My mothers mother, whom I call simply grandmom, used to cry to my mother thinking she would never be able to communicate with me. Most of the food prepared and eaten in my house was Lebanese-Mediterranean food, which my mother learned to make. Eating together is very important in the Lebanese culture, it is a way to bring everyone together and there were very few times we did not share a meal together. Overall I think this brought us closer than most families who might choose to sit in front of a television and eat dinner, or all eat on different schedules. In the Lebanese culture, families are extremely close.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Stanford Experience Essay Example
The Stanford Experience Essay Criminal justice is a system at which authorities use to maintain social order, control crimes and punish those who violate laws. The prison guards and the prison itself play an intertwined role in creating punishment to those who have committed a behavior that is not morally accepted. And often, experiences insider a jail will create severe effects to those who have been imprisoned, and may also bring about changes in the behavior of the jail guard himself.The changes in the behavior and compliance of the jail guards and the prisoners and how the feeling of containment in a prison cell has drastically developed is discovered in the Stanford Prison Experiment wherein 18 college boys were taken to play the roles of nine guards and nine prisoners. The changes happened fast that the experiment had to be cut at the sixth day rather than the original two-week experiment.In doing such a delicate experiment that involves the feelings of the subjects, it must be provided that the peo ple behind the experiment employs the scientific principles on experiment.On empiricism, the experiment has succeeded in terms of making the prisoners and the guards feel that they are indeed prisoners in real life. the situation created for both objects were too realistic that in such a short time, the prisoners and the guards developed the sense of being a real prison and a real guard who ought to do their jobs in maintaining order in the jail. They have also consumed the role play and later on developed the real anguish that real prisoners feel, and the jail guards on their part have felt their power incontrollable that they tend to abuse the authority they hold just like real prison guards do. On objectivity, the first part of selection was purely objective as the subjects were chosen to play the role of either a prisoner or a guard randomly through a toss coin. However, as the experiment progressed, the participants suffered the feeling of subjectivity towards their roles. This subjectivity being an offset of empathy towards the role they play.They have so consumed that they have absorbed the real persona of the role they play. Prisoners felt that they are really prisoners and the guards responded the way that a real jail guard would have responded during the activity. On skepticism, though the researchers were aware of the situation, they themselves were really surprised of the outcome of the project. A proof of this was the original two-week plan being cut short to barely a week because of the heightened emotions that surged through out the experiment. On ethical neutrality, as the subjects were chosen randomly, they were able to let them play the role without biases towards the role. As for the researchers side, during the whole experiment, they were feeling as if they were jail superintendents and officer rather than being a doctor studying the psychological effects of imprisonment.Thus I believe that the experiment has passed the standards for ethica l neutrality. On parsimony, I believe that the experiment has used the most resources they could at the least amount. They have used minimal resources that only served as improvised for the real situation they wanted to role-play but resulted a highly accurate turn outs with minimal complex relations. On determinism, every action done by either side was responded by another act from the other side. Meaning, the subjects developed a system of mechanisms intended to correspond to a situation that aroused within the experiment. On publication, as can be viewed in the website, it served as a reflective account of how the experiment turned out. The proper documentation of the experiment made it possible for people to view and assess the development and success or failure of the experiment. (Fitzgerald, pp 36-42)Given these aspects, I think that the experiment has complied well in the scientific principles of research. They were able to successfully extract real facts and real life anguis h of prisoners and jail guards. They were able to fully portray the situation of real life prison experiences in the least controlled way possible to them that adds to the credibility of the experiment. A proof of this is the way that outsiders (for the purpose of the experiment) reacted upon seeing the situation of the subjects inside the jail. They too, developed the feeling that indeed, their sons have become real prisoners.Moreover, on the basis of research methodology and ethical standards, every experiment must maintain ethical standards. The researcher must avoid giving moral judgments that may result to being bias.On anonymity and confidentiality, the experiment have used numbers instead of names for two purposes: one is to strip the prisoners their identity and start to succumb to the emotions of being a real prisoner, and the other is to keep their identity out from the public, that only the researchers know the real identity of their subjects. On risk and voluntary inform ed consent, the subjects of the trial went through a procedure of â€Å"audition†for the â€Å"role†. The researchers posted an ad to attract possible subjects for the experiment. And when these college people came, they went though a series of testing to ensure that they know what they were doing and they were prepared for the hazards that being a subject of the experiment entailed. On deception in research, I think that the experiment did not employ such, as the subjects of the experiment were given details of what the experiment is trying to prove. Before hand, the subjects were briefed of the set up that they had to go through for the sake of the experiment. On sharing the results and benefits of research, at the end of the experiment when they had to cut the process on the sixth day, the researchers held encounter sessions with the subjects to see how the experiment changed their feelings and how the situation affected them. (Fitzgerald, pp 48-53)Given these fact s, I think that the study has complied with the ethical standards, needed to perform a research that shall protect the subjects. Although the subjects particularly the prisoners suffered high level of anxiety, they were properly guided before the start of the experiment. They were paid for their participation and after the experiment they were given encounter sessions to permit the subjects to voice out their opinions regarding the experiment and to express the suppressed emotions they had during the experiment.Though the sample population used was remarkably small, the experiment was still able to create a picture of what happens in real life prisons. It served as a small-scale description of the real situation in prisons wherein prisoners suffer from extreme anxiety and unrest inside prisons, while jail guards on the other hand develop an extreme sense of authority which they abuse and in turn, alters their personality. The results are reflective of the situation in prisons like A ttica, wherein the demands of the prisoners is just to simply treat them as humans. The experiment has proven how prisons dehumanize prisoners, how institutions like this who are supposed to teach law violators how to have human feelings have devoid them of this basic principle.The experiment is now used as basis for the current situation in Iraq, and how political prisoners are being treated, and also on certain areas wherein prisoners are being humiliated and devoid of their rights.The experiment is based on an observational, cohort study, wherein randomly selected individuals are placed on a situation which is totally new to all of the subjects, and in the process are put under keen observation to assess how the subjects have changed according to the situation that they were put in. The factors being observed are about the changes that the groups may develop in the course of the experiment.As stated in the experiment, the individuals chosen to become as subjects of the experiment were chosen among many other who wanted to take the role after being subjected to several mental questionings. After they were chosen, two groups were made, nine per group to become prisoners and guards. No control variable or interference from the investigators was employed. Only the real experiences inside the set-up jail was being taken accounted for. The experiment however, yielded results that though were expected, it came in such a short time. In two days, barely even half of the experiment, the two groups: guards and prisoners, have developed as sense of reality towards their situation. The guards have acted as real guards, trying to suppress the prisoners and developed a sense of abuse with the authority given to them. On the other hand, the prisoners acted and felt as prisoners, they were stripped off their true identity and absorbed the anxiety and anguish of being left in containment, with pressure and time distorting factors being prevalent in the activity.The success o f the experiment in depicting real life situation in prisons can serve as a basis to assess abuse of power against prisoners and a how a system for reformation can be made to emancipate the conditions of prisoners and reprimand the authorities who abuse their powers inside prison grounds. The effect of the experiment was so abrupt that in a mere six days, ordinary college students were transformed into their not usual characteristics (Zimbardo). With this in mind, we could just imagine how real life prisoners have been suffering from real life guards who have fully absorbed their role as â€Å"agents of criminal justice.†Thus the challenge lies on how to change this system. A change in system that shall eliminate the notion of prisons as hell, and make it a place that is conducive for change and remorse.The experiment has gone through the process and has proven the basis of their thesis, that in real life, prisons do not act as a vehicle for change. This experiment serve as w ake up calls for those in authority to assess their system and formulate policies that shall eliminate abuse of authority and promote the welfare and right of prisoners.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
History Of Chile essays
History Of Chile essays The native inhabitants of Chile are a people called the Araucanos. When Chile was first discovered in 1520 by Portuguese explorer Magellen most of Chile was dominated by these people. This Native American tribe was known for their remarkable fighting ability's. Chile was discovered Pedro de Valdivia ,Diego de Almargo and Ferdinand Magellen . Magellen landed on the Chilo Island following his voyage in 1520 through a strait which now bears his name . When Chile was discovered by Magellen it was called Tchili meaning "snow" . Pedro de Valdivia led a second expedition into southern Chile in 1540. Valdivia overcame the fierce resistance of the Araucanos and succeeded in establishing several settlements. These settlements included Santiago in 1541,Santiago is now the capital of Chile, Concepcin in 1550, and Valdivia in 1552. However only 3 years after Vabliva set up his first settlement in Chile the Araucanians organized and in a successful uprising killed Valdivia and many of his followers leaving only Concepcin The monetary unit used in Chile is one that is used in so many different Hispanic countries, this monetary unit is called the Peso. The present governmental status of Chile is a Republican one. The executive branch of the Chilean government holds 3 branches which are chief of state, head of government and a cabinet. The chief of state and head of government role is played by the same person which is elected by popular vote for a six year term. The last election was held on December 12,1999 in which presiding president Ricardo Lagos Escobar won by only three percent of the votes against Joaquin Lavin. The cabinet is appointed by the residing president for the length of his six year term. The legislative branch is made up of a bicameral Congreso Nacional of Senado. This ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
HIPAA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
HIPAA - Research Paper Example In such a situation Congress realized the requirement of security and privacy standards for the healthcare industry in order to avoid any misuse or abuse of electronic technology (History of HIPAA, n.d). Hence HIPAA was introduced to promote health insurance coverage for both individuals and groups, ensure better security and privacy, promote the use of medical savings account, make long-term services more accessible, and to frame standards for better administration and safer use of electronic technology in the healthcare industry such as the implementation of the national provider identifier (Overview of HIPAA, 2008). The HIPAA was signed by President Clinton on July 21, 1996 in lieu of several security, privacy and abuse in the healthcare industry. HIPAA guaranteed health insurance to all Americans and ensured simplification of administrative process in healthcare in order to increase the effective delivery of healthcare to all people. Additionally the security and privacy of healt h information was also protected under the act (Security and Privacy, 2001). The use of electronic technology in healthcare had vastly expanded during the 1990s. ... These privacy and security rules apply to three groups of covered entities (CE): health care provider, health plan and healthcare clearinghouse. The healthcare provider group includes health care service providers and suppliers who use the electronic form for transactions and other health care information such as doctors, clinics, psychologists, dentists, chiropractors, nursing homes and pharmacies. The health plan group includes individuals or groups that provide and pay for health care plans such as health insurance companies, HMOs, company health plans, Medicare, Medicaid, military and other health programs offered by the government. The healthcare clearinghouses include both public and private entities that receive non-standard health information and convert them into a standard content or vice versa (Privacy and Security, n.d; Security and Privacy, 2001). The HIPAA standards will also indirectly apply to business associates or partners of a covered entity such as software provid ers and other third party vendors (Privacy and Security, n.d). The standards devised by the HIPAA for the transactions carried out in the electronic form need to the adhered to by the CEs (Security and Privacy, 2001). The HIPAA standards include transactions and code sets, privacy and security and national provider identifier. The entities that comply with the HIPAA standards are required to use the same health care transactions, code sets and identifiers. The HIPAA standards for electronic data interexchange (EDI) is applicable to claims and claim status, encounter information, payments and remittance, inquiries, referral certification and authorization, enrollment or disenrollment in a health care plan, premium payments,
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